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Malahide, Ireland (2016)

June 2-4, 2016

The Grand Hotel

The 2016 DHF Equine Ophthalmology Symposium in Malahide, Ireland was a huge success! With 81 attendees and 2 exhibitors, we received many compliments from the attendees who enjoyed the presentations this year as well as the great weather and surroundings nearby the Grand Hotel.

The digital proceedings of the meeting abstracts are available here as well for current members.

State-of-the-Art Speakers

Dr. Richard McMullen Jr., Dr. med. vet., DACVO, DECVO, CAQ Equine Ophthalmology (Germany)

American, European and German Specialist in Ophthalmology, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, NCSU

The if's, and's, and but(t)'s of standing ophthalmic surgery in the sedated horse

Dr. McMullen obtained his veterinary degree (DVM equivalent) from Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) in Munich, Germany in 2002, and was awarded the title of Doctor medicinae veterinariae (Dr. med. vet.) in 2005 from LMU following defense of his thesis: Equine keratitis and the possible involvement of equine adenovirus type 1 (EAdV1) and equine adenovirus type 2 (EAdV2). After completing his German Equine Ophthalmology certification in 2006, he successfully completed a residency of Comparative Veterinary Ophthalmology at North Carolina State University (NCSU, 2006-2009). From April, 2009 to November 2012 he was an Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology at NCSU. He is a board certified ophthalmologist in both the American and European Colleges of Veterinary Ophthalmologists (ACVO & ECVO, respectively). In January, 2013 Richard joined the Equine Clinic Munich-Riem, in Munich, Germany and has successfully established a busy exclusively equine ophthalmology service. He has maintained his affiliation with NCSU and has been an Adjunct Assistant Professor since his departure in 2012. His areas of research interest are equine intraocular lens development and refractive surgery, retinoscopy and equine vision, standing ophthalmic surgery in the horse, and digital ocular photography.

Professor Josh Slater, Royal Veterinary College, UK

Topic: Ocular Virology; a broad overview of the mechanisms by which viruses induce clinical signs of ocular disease together with the features and sequelae of ocular viral infection. The diagnostic and therapeutic challenges which the clinician faces will be considered within the framework of current knowledge and the opportunities for advancing our understanding of equine ocular virology will be deliberated.



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