June 19-21, 2025

General Information
This is a fun, intimate meeting filled with many opportunities to share ideas, treatments and topics that are relevant today. Diversity abounds... about ½ of the attendees are from the EU, Australia and the East the rest typically attend from Canada and the US. If you haven’t attended the symposium in the past, this is a must-try for equine practitioners! All attendees become members, and members always receive a ‘meeting pearls’ summary and complimentary proceedings of the meeting the week following the event.
Travel Tips
Looking for some inspiration for your travel for the Symposium? Check out these potential recommended day trips with travel directions! These ideas offer a mix of adventure, natural beauty, and cultural insights, ensuring you have a memorable experience. Need some tips about travel and payments in Switzerland? Check out these Travel Tips!

Host Hotel & Reservations
The 2025 IEOC/an-vision, Inc. Symposium will take place at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Lucerne. Room block details will become available soon. The facility is in the center of Lucerne, highly walkable and with competitive rates. Please consider staying at the host hotel at least over the 3 nights of the Symposium as this is a contractual obligation that we must fill these rooms, or write a check as a penalty. We have done our best to provide accommodations that include breakfast and on-site rooming, at a lowered block-group rate. We appreciate your support.
Guest Room Block Cut-Off Date: April 23rd, 2025 or based upon availability.
Hotel reservations at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Lucerne, can be made through the hotel’s reservation department. Please contact reservations.lucerne@radissonblu.com, +41 41 369 99 11 or +41 41 369 99 12 and mention IEOC for the special rate as agreed on the contract.
Reservations are to be made by the individual attendee. The cut-off date is April 23rd, 2025, or based upon availability. The rate will be 319.00 CHF for single occupancy, or 349.00 CHF for double occupancy.
Upgrade to Premium Lake View
If you're looking for some additional space, upgrade to Premium Lake View guest rooms is available upon request for a supplement of CHF 140.00 per room, per night.
Upgrade to Suite Lake View
If you're looking for some additional space, bathtub and shower, living room with comfortable sofa, separate space for your belongings, upgrade to Suite Lake View guest rooms is available upon request for a supplement of CHF 250.00 per room, per night.
State-of-the-Art Speakers

Dr. Richard J. McMullen Jr., DACVO, DECVO, CAQ Equine Ophthalmology (Germany)
“Infracyanine Green (Emundo®) and Indocyanine Green Photodynamic and Photothermal Therapy in Equine Ophthalmology”
Overview and description of photodynamic (PDT) and photothermal therapy (PTT)
How indo- (ICG) and infracyanine (InfraCG) green-based PDT/PTT found their way into equine ophthalmology
Descriptions and applications of ICG- and InfraCG-based PDT/PTT in equine ophthalmology:
Corneoscleral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)
Eyelid and periocular neoplasia (SCC, sarcoids, melanocytoma)
Immune mediated keratitis (IMMK)
Corneal tissue welding
Descemet’s membrane ruptures/separation/detachments
Surgical incision closure
Future research
State of the Art Lecturer Sponsored by:

Dr. Simon Pot, DVM, PhD, DACVO, DECVO
"Corneal cross-linking: what's new / what else is new?"
Through its stabilizing effects on the stromal extracellular matrix and its antimicrobial effects, UV-A/Riboflavin crosslinking of the cornea (CXL) is a useful adjunctive therapy for infectious corneal diseases.
Following a short introduction of basic concepts, in this keynote lecture we will:
present the current state of research
cover some clinical disease features that might limit treatment efficacy, and how to overcome those to optimize treatment outcome (in other words: what have we learned during the past five years that is relevant for the use of CXL in our clinic?)
discuss potential new crosslinking strategies, but also different therapeutic strategies altogether.
State of the Art Lecturer Sponsored by:
Medical VET AG

Saturday Dinner Cruise on Lake Lucerne
Join your colleagues on Saturday evening on a lovely Saturday Dinner Cruise on Lake Lucerne, as a send off closing to the 2025 IEOC/an-vision Symposium! This event is confirmed to take place on Saturday, June 21st, so be sure plan early to stay an extra night in Lucerne to celebrate and connect with your fellow IEOC friends/colleagues. More details will be updated on this webpage as it is finalized.
Current IEOC Members May Register Starting January 2025
Attendees will need to be current members of the IEOC to attend the Symposium, non-members will not be approved to attend. Applying to be a member is the first step. Once approved or dues are renewed, then you may submit a registration form for the Symposium. Dues applications is now open for 2025. Contact the IEOC office if you are unsure if you are a current member.
Registration for the Symposium is now open through May 31st! Be sure to register before April 1st to receive the discounted Early Bird Rate!
Call for Papers
Call for Papers is now open and will close by February 28, 2025. Please review the Abstract and Case Report Guidelines below before submitting.
The Program schedule is typically the following:
Thursday - Welcome Reception 6:00pm - 8:00 pm
Friday - CE 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Friday - Membership meeting to follow (likely 4:30 pm - 5:00pm)
Saturday - CE 8:30am - 4:30/5:00pm
Saturday - Optional Lake Lucerne Boat Dinner Event (boarding starts at 5:50pm, departure at 6:00pm, arrive back at 9:00pm)
Exhibitors & Sponsors
Very limited options are available due to room size limitations. Only 3-5 table-top booths can be accommodated, and 2-3 sponsorships are available. All exhibit tables and sponsorships are on a first-come-first-served basis. Please review the below Exhibitor Prospectus and submit the Exhibitor/Sponsor form to the IEOC office if you are interested in becoming an Exhibitor or Sponsor for the 2025 IEOC/an-vision Symposium.
Thank You Sponsors
Thank you to an-vision, Inc./an-vision, GmbH, for agreeing to be our 2025 Namesake Sponsor!

State of the Art Lecturer (Dr. McMullen) Sponsor: Medical Laser Technology Ltd.
State of the Art Lecturer (Dr. Pot) Sponsor: Medical VET AG
Thank You 2025 Exhibiting Companies
an-vision, Inc. & an-vision, GmbH
Eickemeyer Medizintechnik für Tierärzte KG
Medical Laser Technology Ltd.
Medical VET AG
Neoplas Vet GmbH OCULUS Optikgeräte GmbH Peschke GmbH